Saturday, March 9, 2024

Saturday Treatment - I Enjoy Immediate Results

You must begin to contemplate this Power within you as answering your every need, supplying your every want, fulfilling your every wish; and you must believe that It does this immediately, right now-not tomorrow but today, because the Law of this Power within you knows no time. - Ernest Holmes Your Invisible Power 

There is something within us that can lead us and direct us if we will but let it. It is higher than the thought of any man; it has nothing to do with creed, profession, confession, or the restriction of theological dogmas. It is in the integrity of our own mind, in the silence of our own solitude, in the immediate presence of that Divine Being inhabiting us and the universe. It is a Divine Presence within us which every great thinker has sensed, which all the poets have sung about, and all the great spiritual teachers have proclaimed. - Ernest Holmes 

I Enjoy Immediate Results 

I begin as I recognize the immediacy of the immanent infinite Power and Presence of that Something greater than I am which is what I am and infinitely beyond. As I see this Reality time, space, and boundaries cease their distraction of my awareness that all I require exists immediately present immediately available now. Now, I immerse myself in this Power/Presence and observe Its truths for me. I let It both form and answer my questions within me now. 

I see that within this Reality all the life, health, vitality and healing I require are here now for my enjoyment. I embrace the immediacy of all-inclusive divine Love within me. I live each moment engaged with Life and those activities of my life that enrich and fulfill me. I see clearly that all people and events in my life are here for my benefit, and I am beneficial presence in the world and for the world by virtue of this magnificent Something. So, I live freely for I am health personified, engaged in my perfect life expressions, uplifted in love, and financially free to enjoy all my life fully. I am prosperity, I am confidence, I am success today. 

I enjoy immediate results as I release my word and accept its fulfillment now. All good flows to me and through me in enriching loving quiet ways that fill my heart, mind, and soul with joyful gratitude. And so it is. 


Rev. John Lusk RScP 

First you ask definitely for direction, then it will enter your consciousness as a definite thought; then in your turn you give it back the thought and it will give you back the thing. It answers every question, solves every problem; it is the solution to every difficulty.It is like the sunlight of eternal truth bursting through the clouds of obscurity and bathing the whole world in glory. It is the absolute that you are dealing with and nothing else. – Ernest Holmes “Lectures on the Absolute”

1 comment:

Burningbet said...

Your writing style is captivating, and I'm always eager for more.