Saturday, December 2, 2023

Saturday Treatment - I Live Freely in Compassion and Joy

But let us be sure that we believe, just as we believe our food will digest. Just as we know the sun’s going to rise in the morning. Just as we know that the world is still round. Just as we know that you and I do not know how it is we can eat ham sandwiches, drink milk, tea or coffee and have it turned into flesh, bone and blood and marrow – Ernest Holmes "The Secrets of Belief" 

We can have no understanding of Divine Compassion unless we ourselves first exercise compassion. The very judgment by which we judge others becomes a self-judgment. It is as if the Law of Life were giving back to each one of us exactly what we have projected into it; as though everything that goes out from us must again return by a Law of Action and Reaction. – Ernest Holmes Help for Today 

I Live Freely in Compassion and Joy 

There is one infinitely wise Mind. That Mind is everywhere/everywhen. That Mind is my mind now. Inseparable union of infinite Mind ensures me of my own wisdom so, I let the infinite Wisdom of Divine Mind teach me what to say, show my highest and best way, and always fill me with life, enthusiasm, gratitude, and joy. 

Now, I think and act in total trust of Divine guidance my inner compass, spiritual Source which created me, maintains me, sustains me, and ensures I thrive in all aspects of my life because that is Its nature. Because the nature of the Divine is changeless and ever-present, I live through every finite change with peaceful joy. The Divine reveals Itself in everyone I meet and shows me Its Presence everywhere and everywhen in everyone. Compassion fills me as I see the unity that is Divinity as humanity. 

Increasingly, I realize humanity is my family, that we each always do our personal best. Increasingly, I feel my own feelings deeply and discover in them the innocence of my world. Despite anything to the contrary the Divine is discoverable in all beings and all events. I look for the Divine, behold It and celebrate my newfound freedom. I believe this and live accordingly. And so it is.


Rev. John C. Lusk RScP

First you ask definitely for direction, then it will enter your consciousness as a definite thought; then in your turn you give it back the thought and it will give you back the thing. It answers every question, solves every problem; it is the solution to every difficulty.It is like the sunlight of eternal truth bursting through the clouds of obscurity and bathing the whole world in glory. It is the absolute that you are dealing with and nothing else. – Ernest Holmes “Lectures on the Absolute” 

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