Saturday, October 7, 2023

Saturday Treatment – I Wake to My Prospering Inner Power

We may not yet have arrived at complete freedom, but we are on the road, and we should be happy in the certain knowledge that we have an Infinite Power at our disposal. – Ernest Holmes Lessons in Spiritual Mind Healing

Imagination carries with it feeling and conviction, which means life and action. It awakens within us all the inner forces of nature and stirs into action latent powers which otherwise would never come to the surface. – Ernest Holmes Science of Mind 

I Wake to My Prospering Inner Power 

Infinite Power within me, which is entirely devoted to my good and forever at my disposal, wakens me to the reality that I am prosperity now. It responds to my ever-expanding conception of my life by producing for me the prosperity that I imagine. It reveals to me that all I conceive, its equivalent, and even greater is within It readily at hand.   

I prosper magnificently in health, creative expression, relationships, and finances. My life is easy and free as I enjoy vigorous vitality and limitless energy throughout every day and in profoundly healing sleep every night in the peace of Spirit’s constant presence. Wonderful ideas pop into my awareness as I rely on divine intuition. In all of my creative expression, I know exactly what I wish to create and allow All-Power to execute the design and completion. This Power is Love/Intelligence which rules my heart, mind, and all of my relationships as I see this Love/Intelligence in and as each and all of us. My Power is limitless Supply providing me with every tool and every good thing lavishly and abundantly at the instant that I need it. 

I am Prosperity expressed in wonderful loving quiet ways. I fill with gratitude and appreciation for all of the potential and manifest good in my life. As I release my word, allow it to be my law of experience, and smile with satisfaction, I know only good for, so it is. 


Rev. John C. Lusk RScP 

First you ask definitely for direction, then it will enter your consciousness as a definite thought; then in your turn you give it back the thought and it will give you back the thing. It answers every question, solves every problem; it is the solution to every difficulty. It is like the sunlight of eternal truth bursting through the clouds of obscurity and bathing the whole world in glory. It is the absolute that you are dealing with and nothing else. – Ernest Holmes “Lectures on the Absolute”

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