Saturday, October 14, 2023

Saturday Treatment - I Am Spiritual Being Enjoying My Spiritual World

Creation is a constant progress, impelled by a continuous urge, propelled by a dynamic power and held in place through an infinite will and purpose and an immutable law. – Ernest Holmes Philosophy of Emerson 

We are not caught in a universe controlled by a blind force. We are in the midst of and part of an intelligent, continually creative, dynamic conscious activity. God is ever going forth into new expression; and every word we speak, every thought we think is a further creative activity of God at the level of our expression of God. – Ernest Holmes The Practical Application of Science of Mind 

I Am Spiritual Being Enjoying My Spiritual World 

I see Spirit as All-Being the Absolute Source, Substance, and Reality in which and by means of which I am. I realize I am Spirit individuated as me and as my world and I realize that I am an integral part of all Spiritual Reality while living at the same time as a person with all that comes with personality, personal responsibility, and personal relationships. As Spirit is one Being infinitely expressing I am one expression increasingly expressing more and greater awareness of Spirit's potential as me. 

I activate my expression of life by thinking dynamically about greater aliveness then allowing Spirit to actively move me in the direction I choose to go to accomplish and receive all the good choices I make. I enjoy every moment of the process and every result of my process as it evolves in my experience. Spirit in me as me constantly sustains my ever-better best in new and delightful ways for while I choose my results, I allow Spirit free rein in providing all means, channels, people, and events required to achieve them. 

I release my choices calmly and confidently. The Law receives them instantly I know them. Now in quiet, confident, joyful gratitude I receive all in loving quiet ways. And so, it is. 


Rev. John Lusk RScP 

First you ask definitely for direction, then it will enter your consciousness as a definite thought; then in your turn you give it back the thought and it will give you back the thing. It answers every question, solves every problem; it is the solution to every difficulty.It is like the sunlight of eternal truth bursting through the clouds of obscurity and bathing the whole world in glory. It is the absolute that you are dealing with and nothing else. – Ernest Holmes “Lectures on the Absolute”

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