Saturday, October 28, 2023

Saturday Treatment - All I Require Exists for Me Now

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, - Deu 30:19-20 ESV

Creative Process sequence starts with pure Intelligence; movement of intelligence, which is intelligence becoming aware of something. The Law of Mind set in motion by consciousness, followed by the objective manifestation, or the demonstration. - Ernest Holmes Glossary New Thought Dictionary

Saturday Treatment - All I Require Exists for Me Now

Infinite Love/Intelligence is both infinite in potential and constant in expression of that potential as the Universe and as my immediate reality. I am, we all are individuated facets of Love/Intelligence unique and inseparable from Love/Intelligence and each other. The quote from Deuteronomy reminds me that the life and death, blessing and curse exist simultaneously, and my power is discernment and choice. I choose life and the blessings of life and discover all I require exists for me here and now that I may enjoy all good by simply noticing the presence of my good.

I become clearly alert to the reality in which manifesting is recalling that what I require already exists in mind and its location percolates to the surface of my mind so I my take whatever action needed to receive it. It feels to me like the pleasure of recalling a long unthought of name or fact which pops up as soon as I cease trying to recall it and simply allow my thought processes to work normally. Perhaps too manifesting my good is like looking at an infinite hidden objects puzzle and seeing clearly the good I require rather than the clutter and apparent disorder which fade to the background as I behold my need. Whether idea, information to bring my idea to fruition, or any physical means such as funding, tools, location, or whatever else I require the moment I realize that I have all I need now I also gain the inspiration and energy to act, to grasp, and to delight in my best life and all its blessings.

I let Love/Intelligence remind me as needed that my sole interest is the good of God which is spiritual. As I focus my full attention on that good all else dissipates and I fill with peace, assurance, gratitude, and love. And so, it is. 


Rev. John Lusk RScP 

First you ask definitely for direction, then it will enter your consciousness as a definite thought; then in your turn you give it back the thought and it will give you back the thing. It answers every question, solves every problem; it is the solution to every difficulty.It is like the sunlight of eternal truth bursting through the clouds of obscurity and bathing the whole world in glory. It is the absolute that you are dealing with and nothing else. – Ernest Holmes “Lectures on the Absolute”

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